Den britiske kunstneren Helen Marten deltar på Veneziabiennalen for andre gang. Kunstkritikk møtte henne for en dobbel espresso i Giardini.
Can you tell us what you are showing at the Arsenale?
A series of sculptures installed around a very large wall. They are three major works, but they look as if they could be ten works because they consist of multiple components. Have you seen it yet?
I haven’t seen it yet, but I will go the Arsenale tomorrow. How do you feel about the placement in the exhibition and the surrounding works?
The placement was an enormous surprise to be honest. I had very little idea contextually what would be around the work. I had a designated structure in mind.
So you knew what space you needed, but not anything about the surroundings?
Nothing, I didn’t even know about the space. I had a wall structure and they knew how much space I needed to make sure the surrounding area could accommodate what I need on the floor and on the wall. The rest was a total surprise. So it was very much working blindly.
But you are happy now with the outcome?
I am beyond happy. Contextually it’s very jarring. I would never expect to be surrounded with works like that.
Like the room we are in now with Isa Genzken.
There are always surprises, there are odd juxtapositions and histories, it really is a mixed bag.
Anything else you have seen so far that has impressed you?
I am deeply biased, so I love the Sarah Lucas pavilion. The Genzkens we are surrounded by now are great. Some very small, and surprisingly beautiful Viktor Man paintings. They are great, very medieval, very baroque.
What’s coming up next for you after the biennial?
I am working on a solo show in New York at Greene Naftali, which is a great gallery to work with.
Looking forward to seeing it and congratulations on the biennial!